MadAppLauncher is an alternative way to start programs or open folders without using the Start Menu or adding lots of shortcuts to your desktop. In addition, it will let you open predefined items without using the mouse. It also offers to minimize the number of mouse clicks or key presses.
The use of this program can be divided into two phases. First, there is the process of programming the keys. This can be done without difficulty as you will just need to associate programs, files or folders with the different keys shown. Most frequent applications can be assigned function keys to make them more easily available. Then, you will find a series of tabs accessible by numbers, each of them containing a set of the letters in the keyboard. Taking into account the combination of tabs and letters, this application allows to program quick access to 300 different items. When you associate an object to a key, it will automatically be identified with the corresponding icon. However, you can customize it by using other icons. In addition, you can have some applications start with administrative privileges. This layout can be saved to files, which means that you can create different sets or export them to other computers.
The second phase is related to using the program to open the desired elements. This process can take up to three keystrokes: one to activate MadAppLauncher, another to choose the corresponding tab and the other to select the desired item.
All in all, MadAppLauncher is a finely crafted application for those users who wish to create and organize shortcuts for multiple applications, files or folders. It can also be useful for visually impaired people.